Friday, March 29, 2013

oprah in my dreams

This post is an interview, with myself, about an interview I did on Wednesday via e-mail with SGL Booklovers Magazine.
Q. Hi Robert. Thank you for speaking with me today.
A. Oh, your welcome. It's really no problem. I talk to myself all the time!
Q. Tell us a little about SGL BookLovers Magazine.
A. Well it's an African-American LGBT magazine out of California that showcases the literary work of  African-American LGBT writers.
Q. You mean they publish book reviews, author interviews and profiles and book excerpts, etc.?
A. Yes, and there are print and on-line versions.
Q. How did you connect with SGL BookLovers?
A. Well, back in January of this year I set a goal to get back into my writing and book promotions after my three year Hyades. The first thing I did was set a gaol to surf the web everyday in search of potential book reviews. SGL BookLovers was just one of the 32 that I found and contacted.
Q. What is the process you use to find reviewers?
A. I put key words into a search engine like: gay lesbian lgbt book review or black gay lesbian lgbt book review. Then I sift through every web site/blog that comes up until I find something that seems suitable.
Q. So, you went through hundreds of web sites/blogs, etc. before you found the 32 that you contacted?
A. Yes, and out of those 32 only 7 replied back to me. SGL BookLovers was one of them.
Q. That sounds very time consuming.
A. It is. I was at it for six weeks straight anywhere from one to four hours a day. Web surfing for anything more than four hours makes me crazy!
Q. I'll bet! Did all seven reviewers/responders want to review your book?
A. No, I ended up sending review copies to four of them. One of the four was a PDF. One was a radio station I contacted for an interview but it didn't pan out. The other was a blog. He said he was backed up with too many books and to send him a copy around June. Then there was a web site that basically said ''thanks but no thanks.''
Q. They declined to review your book?
A. Yes. It happens. You just have to shrug it off and move on. It's not personal. It's the nature of the self-promotion beast. At least they replied at all!
Q. That's a humble attitude to have.
A. It's an essential attitude to have! Getting reviewed is tough. Especially for self-published authors. You have to have a thick-skin. It's like an actor going out on auditions. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen! Well, I can take the heat! And all that actor needs is one good role. Right?
Q. Sounds like your on your way!
A. I hope so!
Q. Besides SGL BookLover, who were the other reviewers you sent author copies, and the PDF, to?
A. Connextions Magazine out of New England, Shelly's LGBT book review out of Ohio
Q. How can we read these reviews?
A. People can either just find them on-line or wait until I post links to them. Some of them, as of this interview, are not out yet. I do have a link to one of them on my March 17 post entitled ''at rainbows end? fat chance!''
Q. Well thank you for chatting with me today, Robert. I wish you much success in the near future.
A. Your welcome, Robert. And thank you!

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