Wednesday, July 31, 2013

cranking out articles and postponing meetings[again]

I've spent the whole day typing articles to send to Clevester at Rainbow Lit magazine. At one point I accidentally deleted an article when I was almost done typing it and had to retype the whole thing! I was so pissed! Don't ask me why I didn't have it saved. Anyhow, so I did retype it and sent a total of two new articles today. That's a total of four this summer. If I'm not going to write new pages to the sequel I'm going to make sure I'm doing something to promote myself and/or hone my writing skills. I also want take my mind off my neighbor and my other personal problems. I can't sit at home and watch DVDs and sulk all day!
   My meeting I was suppose to have today with my Friend to set up my Facebook, goodreads and Amazon author profiles got postponed-again! I was planning to ride my bike to meet her half way, since she lives across town, but there was rain in the weather forecast. At one point it did look like it was going to rain too but, or course, it didn't. How much can you go by weather forecast anyway? I should have just took the risk. If I got drenched then so be it. But that's another reason I made sure I got something else done today. I was determined to make today, my only day off from my day job, productive no matter what! We reschduled our meeting for this Friday. But I've found some more sites, LGBT Bookshop and Bookdaily, that I can set up profiles on, too. I have the feeling these meetings are going to be on-going.

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