It has been exactly one year since the publication date of Rainbow Plantation Blues. I am proud of the work I've done to promote the novel and my efforts have paid off. The response from people all over America and the UK has been, I would say, mostly positive. It is an uphill battle for a first time, unknown, self-published author on a low budget to get noticed. But, despite those disadvantages I did make a dent in the crowded publicity jungle. I got favorable print and on-line reviews. You can see several of these reviews on the "Review Page" of my website. Two local book stores bought copies of the book to sell in store. It was exciting to see my book on the shelf rubbing elbows, or rather, rubbing book bindings with other authors. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't still dreaming. I got invited to do an in-person book discussing by Akron Gay men's book and movie club, in April. I got invited to do a joint book signing and discussion at Joseph-Beth Booksellers with Rakesh Satyal, author of Boy Blue, in July. I had interviews in two national HIV magazines (both of which can be read on the interview page of my website).
I was also invited to do a book discussion/signing at the Cleveland Pride Center sponsored by Cleveland Black Pride also in April. And I have received heartwarming fan letters from average readers who liked my work and encouraged me to continue it. I've found those letters to be the most gratifying and proof positive that I must have at least an ounce of writing talent. LOL!
Promoting a book is a full-time job in and of itself and by July I was completely exhausted. My efforts stated to founder but somehow my quarterly royalty checks are still coming in.
With a fresh determination I, and my marketing, promotions and I.T. consultant, have mapped out a new campaign for 2010. There are still a lot of people who don't know about Rainbow Plantation Blues but, I believe, would be interested in it. My swashbuckler mode has returned! LOL! Look for more reviews, a revamped website, hence this blog page with more changes to come, and hopefully more interviews. I am also working on the sequel! Jonathan and Kumi have much more to say!